Terms and conditions of financial and other agreements for professional services rendered
- Cash fees are our PREFERRED method of payment, however should you request, offer or agree that we claim from your medical aid, then the terms below shall apply
- A co-payment/levy is charged for EACH INDIVIDUAL patient and at EVERY VISIT irrespective of and over & above the actual amounts re-imbursed by medical aids which vary among medical aids and/or plans. The member may choose to instead pay the full cash fee & claim back but this must be made known BEFORE the consultation. Only receipts are issued for co-payments. Outstanding accounts must be settled before seeing the doctor
- You certify that all the information above is correct and agree to notify us of any changes of your details within 14 days. Medical aid details provided telephonically when appointment was made must be valid and identical on day of appointment and we may reject due to discrepancies. Your details may be used for marketing. No alterations or deletions may be made to these terms & conditions.
- Medical Aids only accepted at our discretion and without prior notice and/or if there are sufficient funds/benefits available.
- If your medical aid requires authorisation or GP referral, it is YOUR responsibility to obtain such. Failure to do so requires upfront payment.
- Claims are sent via EDI only ONCE. It is the members’ responsibility to ensure that YOUR medical aid has received & processed OUR claims. Members are responsible for account if medical aids state they haven’t received the claim.
- Unscheduled, emergency and standby appointments will be charged extra (code 0146 on medical aids)
- Appointment times are a guide only and waiting times vary. If we are running late and you are unable to wait kindly re-schedule your appointment.
- All procedures and skin/mole scanning are charged for separately over & above the consultation fees and your verbal acceptance or consent of the procedures to be performed at, or any time after the consultation implies agreement of paying for the full costs thereof. Estimates for procedure costs are available on request only.
- Skincare products are sold cash and are not returnable under any circumstances due to hygiene and safety reasons.
- If your Medical Aid is not accepted or contracted to by this practice or if funds are insufficient, the patient will be treated as CASH/PRIVATE, and the Cash Fee is payable.
- Should the medical aid choose to re-imburse the member directly for whatever reason, the member becomes immediately liable for the account and the total amount claimed must then be settled by the member within 7 days, irrespective of the actual amount re-imbursed to the member.
- All Cash/Private patient fees & levies are payable AT THE TIME of consultation. No accounts or credit will be given.
- If the Medical Aid does not settle your account for whatever reason, then you are fully liable for the account, which then must be settled BY YOURSELF within 30 days of date of service.
- A monthly admin fee of R100.00 /month will be levied for all unpaid overdue accounts after 30 days of service.
- The completion of chronic forms (code 0199), motivation letters, repeat scripts & medical reports & email or telephone consults will be charged for.
- Not all procedures or treatments work 100% & repeat treatments or visits will incur full costs thereof.
- Failure to pay overdue accounts will result in legal action being instituted against you.
- You agree to pay all legal costs and collection charges arising from attorneys and collection agencies at attorney and client rates if overdue accounts are handed over for collection. You choose the above address as domicillium citandi et executandi for any action instituted herein.
- You consent to photographs taken; used for scientific research, presentations, publications and demonstrations.
- Some skin examinations (e.g mole scans/skin cancer checks) require you to completely undress for a complete and thorough examination. Should you feel uncomfortable or require a gown or a chaperone present please indicate this to a staff member before seeing the doctor.
- Please read the package inserts of all medicines prescribed. Reactions to medicines may occur and are unpredictable. Clarify directions with pharmacist. Some drugs require blood tests for drug monitoring and these are to be done on dates & times as expected by the doctor.
- You understand that some medicines are used for different conditions from their original intended indication. (off-label use)