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What is the liquid facelift?

liquidThe Liquid Facelift is a facial contouring procedure that involves the use of strategically placed Botox and dermal fillers and PRP solution around the face. This "injectable facelift" can create a younger, plumper look and address concerns like lines, wrinkles, volume loss and sagging. This "injectable facelift" has been making a noticeable impact in aesthetic medicine during the past few years. It is typically more subtle than surgery and an increasing number of individuals are trying liquid facelift procedures before traditional face lift procedures.

How does it work?

Strategically placed Botox injections can address concerns like lines, wrinkles, volume loss and sagging. Multiple clinical studies have shown that a modest brow elevation occurs in the range of 1 to 3 mms which in the face can be a make a real observable difference. (Click here for more information on Botox)

In addition to sagging, often an ageing face is less about a softening jawline and more about losing volume higher up in the face viz. the temples, the eyebrow area, the anterior and lateral cheeks. When the lower parts of the face start dropping, gravity is defied by lifting and replacing the lost volume with injections of dermal fillers in the upper parts of the face. Soft tissue volumising techniques using dermal fillers reverse these atrophic changes, yielding outstanding results and all with minimal downtime. (Click here for more information on Dermal fillers)

The role of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) in a Liquid facelift

PRP(Platelet Rich Plasma) also known as Plasma Rich in growth factors is the latest tendency in anti-aging. The treatment reverses all the common aging signs in the skin specifically in the areas of the face, neck, hands and other parts of the body. The advantages of PRP over other common anti-aging treatments like Botox, it's unique natural quality. The therapy uses the patient's own blood making the treatment hypoallergenic. (Click here for more information on PRP).