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dry skin.jpgQ. What is dry skin?
A. Dry skin, also known as xerosis, is a common problem. Your skin needs moisture to stay smooth and supple. A lack of moisture or dehydration of the skin results in dryness of the skin.

Q. How do you recognise dry skin?
A. Dry skin has many forms. The mildest cases can be recognised by a dry look to your skin, some mild flaking of the skin, and a slight tightness in the feel of your skin. More severe cases of dry skin can be accompanied by severe itching, red or white patches of skin, cracking, bleeding, severe tightness, and pain.

Q. What causes dry skin?
A. There are many causes of dry skin:

Q. How can I prevent and treat dry skin?
A. These are a few simple steps to follow.

Q. Which moisturisers should I use?
A. Use a good quality moisturiser that is fragrance-free and which contains cetamacrogol and urea. Urea is a synthetic compound that acts as a humectant i.e. it helps to lock moisture in the skin. In winter, moisturisers should be greasier. Aqueous cream is actually NOT a good moisturiser for dry skin.

Q. When should I see a Dermatologist?
A. See a doctor if: