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Our Covid-19 Practice Policy

We at Dr Imraan Jhetam & Skinmedics have taken the utmost precautions & safety to protect our patients from exposure to Covid-19.

The rooms are sanitized & cleaned daily and exposed surfaces are disinfected between patients.

All staff will either wear a face mask or a face shield for your protection and ours.


All patients are pre-screened prior to appointments with a risk questionnaire that needs to be completed online. Click here for questionnaire.

If there is any potential risk the patient may unfortunately  be denied a consultation until they have seen their GP and been tested negative for Covid-19.


On arrival in the parking area we request patients to STAY in their vehicles and call the rooms to inform us of their arrival. 


We will then inform you via a phone call when you should come through as we are limiting patients in the waiting room to 2 or 3 individuals as a social distancing measure.

Please ensure you have a face mask on PRIOR to entering the suite.


We are restricting entrance to the rooms to the consulting patient ONLY unless it is a child or a frail individual who needs support, then only ONE parent/guardian/caregiver will be permitted access.

On arrival your temperature will be checked either at the building entrance or at the rooms prior to entering the premises.

If your temperature is 37.8 or above you will be denied access and will need to see your GP for appropriate measures.

Your hands will be sanitized at the entrance and during your time spent at the rooms.

Once in the rooms you will need to complete a Covid-19 risk register.

 We apologize in advance for any inconvenience our risk-reduction strategies may pose to your overall patient experience.


As a patient who accepts an appoitment, you understand that the doctors, admin staff, therapists and employees of this practice have taken all the measures and care to prevent the spread of Covid-19 infection. You understand that if I acquire Covid-19,  this practice will not be held responsible for the same.